In the Spring of 2023 the ILWP Board formed a Dredge Planning Working Group with the goal to create a locally driven dredge plan. In June 2023, on the recommendation of this Working Group, the Indian Lake Watershed Project Board hired dredge consultant and professional geologist Peter Berrini of Berrini & Associates LLC. Mr. Berrini is advising the Working Group on developing a dredge plan for Indian Lake. In addition to the dredge plan, Mr. Berrini will be creating a scope of work for a bathymetry and sediment depth survey to specifically identify impaired areas. This sediment depth survey will include tributaries and recreational access channels across the entire lake. The results from this sediment depth survey will be shared with ODNR and members of the Ohio Legislature. This methodical approach will be used to secure funding for privatized dredging of Indian Lake in the coming years. Below is Mr. Berrini’s report that was completed on October 1, 2023.
Members of Working Group
Tony Beck
John Bull
Brenda Crabtree
Dale Frymeyer
Derek Gillespie
Dave Helgeson
Tom Langhals
Dave Paxton
Ben Pfefferle
Jim Reed
John West
Dustin Wickersham