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Watershed Tillage Transect Completed

Updated: Sep 15, 2024

In cooperation with the Logan Soil & Water Conservation District (LCSWCD) a tillage transect was completed this summer for the areas within the watershed. The project was completed by LCSWCD summer intern, McKala Grauel, with assistance from Steve Searson.


A tillage transect is an observation of tillage of crop fields to determine which tillage practice is being used. Three main tillage practices are currently used; conservation tillage, no-tillage and conventional till. Conservation tillage means any minimal tillage system that leaves sufficient crop residue to cover the soil surface by at least 30%. No-till farming means the soil is left undisturbed by tillage and the residue is left on the soil surface. Conventional till is the practice of tilling by plow or disc where the soil surface and subsurface layers are disturbed. No-till is viewed as the most effective soil conservation practice. 


The tillage transect was completed by driving through multiple portions of the watershed to view agricultural fields and stopping every half mile to record what was seen on the left and right sides of the road. Then recording the type of tillage and the crop type.


When comparing the results from 2002 to the current, there is a significant increase in conventional tillage in all three watersheds that are major contributors to Indian Lake. Specifically, a 2 times increase in conventional tillage in the South Fork watershed, 7.5 times increase in the North Fork watershed and a 17 times increase in the Vanhorn/Blackhawk. Conversely, No-till fields have increased in the South Fork and North Fork watershed, 17% and 29% respectively, but have decreased in the Vanhorn/Blackhawk by 84%. 


Conservation tillage has increased in South Fork by 66% and decreased in North Fork and Vanhorn/Blackhawk by 66% and 11% respectively. Finally, there is an increase of 9% in cover crops from 2002 to the current year.


The conventional tillage type for the 2002 year 3 South Fork watershed, 2 North Fork watershed, 0 in the Vanhorn and Blackhawk watershed. 


The No till for the year 2024 27 in the South Fork watershed, 53 North Fork watershed, and 3 in the Vanhorn and Blackhawk watershed. 


The No Till year 2002 year 23 in the South Fork watershed, 41 North Fork watershed, and 19 in the Vanhorn and Blackhawk watershed. 


The Conservation Till for the year 2024 15 in the South Fork watershed, 7 North Fork watershed, and 8 in the Vanhorn and Blackhawk watershed. 


The Conservation till for the year 2002 year 9 in the South Fork watershed, 21 North Fork watershed, and 9 in the Vanhorn and Blackhawk watershed. 


The Intern then continued to break the data to show the percent per crop within each watershed


Current Crop South Fork 2024 Wheat 6.4%, Corn 46.8%, Bean 46.8%


Current Crop South Fork 2002 Wheat 10.3%, Corn 28.2%, Bean 61.5%. 


Conventional Till 2024 South Fork Wheat 0, Corn 71.4%, Bean 28.6%. 


Conventional Till 2002 South Fork Wheat 0, Corn 100%, Bean 0.  


Download our 2024 Tillage Transit Here:


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