See Full Plan Here:
In 1997, Ohio EPA issued guidance for the development of Watershed Action Plans (WAPs), which typically covered larger watersheds (HUC-10toHUC-8size).TheWAPs included an outline and checklist to ensure USEPA’s nine elements were included within each plan. The Ohio EPA developed a new template for watershed planning in the form of a Nonpoint Source-Implementation Strategy (NPS-IS), ensuring NPS pollution is addressed at a finer resolution and that individual projects listed within each plan include each of the nine elements. The first NPS-IS plans were approved in 2017. Over time, these plans have evolved to not only address in- stream (near-field) water quality impairment from NPS pollution, but they also address reductions in nutrient loadings to larger bodies of water (far-field).
The Indian Lake Watershed Project (ILWP) would like to acknowledge the collaboration of multiple partners in the preparation of this Nonpoint Source Implementation Strategy (NPS-IS) for the Indian Lake-Great Miami River HUC-12 (05080001 01 03). The ILWP appreciates those individuals and organizations that contributed background information, insight into objectives and projects for inclusion in this NPS-IS, including the Auglaize Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), Logan SWCD, Hardin SWCD, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). Thank you also to Rick Wilson, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency – Division of Surface Water, for guidance throughout the NPS-IS development process.
This product or publication was financed in part or totally through a grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency through an assistance agreement with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. The contents and views, including any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations, contained in this product or publication are those of the authors and have not been subject to any Ohio Environmental Protection Agency or United States Environmental Protection Agency peer or administrative review and may not necessarily reflect the views of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency or the United States Environmental Protection Agency and no official endorsement should be inferred.